Enstone's blog

ControlConsole API Reference (Windows)

by Enstone | Oct 01st, 2015 - 00:00:10 | 12 Comment(s) | 21 Like(s) - 0 Dislike(s) | 64166 View(s)

CCAPI for Windows documentation


CCAPI (ControlConsole API) includes a file CCAPI.dll. CCAPI.dll is a Windows dynamic library and x86 32 bits assembly. It exports a few functions for programs to control a ps3 (with CCAPI installed on it).


Function documentation


Functions Min ver.
int CCAPIConnect(const char* ip) 2.60
int CCAPIDisconnect() 2.60
int CCAPIGetConnectionStatus(int* status) 2.60
int CCAPISetConsoleIds(ConsoleIdType idType, const ConsoleId* id) 2.60
int CCAPISetBootConsoleIds(ConsoleIdType idType, int on, const ConsoleId* id) 2.60
int CCAPIGetMemory(u32 pid, u64 address, u32 size, void* data) 2.60
int CCAPISetMemory(u32 pid, u64 address, u32 size, const void* data) 2.60
int CCAPIGetProcessList(u32* npid, u32* pids) 2.60
int CCAPIGetProcessName(u32 pid, ProcessName* name) 2.60
int CCAPIGetTemperature(int* cell, int* rsx) 2.60
int CCAPIShutdown(ShutdownMode mode) 2.60
int CCAPIRingBuzzer(RingBuzzerType type) 2.60
int CCAPISetConsoleLed(ColorLed color, StatusLed status) 2.60
int CCAPIGetFirmwareInfo(u32* firmware, u32* ccapi, ConsoleType* cType) 2.60
int CCAPIVshNotify(NotifyIcon icon, const char* msg) 2.60
int CCAPIGetNumberOfConsoles() 2.60
void CCAPIGetConsoleInfo(int index, ConsoleName* name, ConsoleIp* ip) 2.60
int CCAPIGetDllVersion() 2.60


Thread safety : All calls to CCAPI functions are thread safe.

Return value : a return value different of CCAPI_OK indicates that it failed and outputs are undefined.

#define CCAPI_OK 0


int CCAPIConnect(const char* ip)

Use this function to connect to CCAPI on your ps3.
This function takes one parameter the console ip for instance, ip can be const char* ip = "";
A returned value of CCAPI_OK indicates that the connection was successful else it means that the connection failed.

Calling a second time CCAPIConnect even if you are already connected to the same console or to another console, will automatically perform a disconnection for the previous established connection.



if (CCAPIConnect("") == CCAPI_OK)
printf("Connected to CCAPI\n");


int CCAPIDisconnect()

The purpose of this function is to disable an established connection with your ps3.




int CCAPIGetConnectionStatus(int* status) 

This function always returns CCAPI_OK. If status is 0, the connection is not established else the connection is made. It can be called like this:


int status;


int CCAPISetConsoleIds(ConsoleIdType idType, const ConsoleId* id)

This function can be used to modify immediately your active idps ("console id") and your psid.


Example, setting a psid:

ConsoleId id = {{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}};


int CCAPISetBootConsoleIds(ConsoleIdType idType, int on, const ConsoleId* id)

This function can be used to preset a modified idps and psid. At every console boot, those will be set.



Setting a boot psid:

ConsoleId id = {{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}};

Removing the boot psid:



int CCAPIGetMemory(u32 pid, u64 address, u32 size, void* data)

Use this function to read memory from the ps3 process that has the process id "pid".



char data[4];
if (CCAPIGetMemory(pid,0x10000,4,&data) == CCAPI_OK)

//error handling

int CCAPISetMemory(u32 pid, u64 address, u32 size, const void* data)

Use this function to wrte memory of the ps3 process that has the process id "pid".



char data[4] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
u32 pid; //value must be retrieved with CCAPIGetProcessList
if (CCAPISetMemory(pid,0x10000,4,&data) == CCAPI_OK)


//error handling


int CCAPIGetProcessList(u32* npid, u32* pids)

With this function, it is possible to retrive process id of running processes. It is a unique identifier for a ps3 processes. 
This function has several ways to be called, the procedure to get the process ids is the following:

u32 npid;

Your will find in npid, the number of process running on your ps3. This way, you can allocate your buffer to the exact size needed.


Then a second call will return your all the process ids on your ps3 in "pids" and the effective number of process id in "*npid".

u32* pids = (u32*) malloc(npid * sizeof(u32));
if (CCAPIGetProcessList(&npid,pids) == CCAPI_OK)
int i;
for (i=0;i<npid;i++)
printf("process %d : id %x\n",i,pids[i]);

int CCAPIGetProcessName(u32 pid, ProcessName* name)

Use this function to get the name of a process with its pid.


u32 pid; //value must be retrieved with CCAPIGetProcessList
ProcessName name;
if (CCAPIGetProcessName(pid,&name) == CCAPI_OK)
printf("Process %x has name is %s\n",pid,name.value);
//Error handling...


int CCAPIGetTemperature(int* cell, int* rsx) 

This function is useful to get temperature of ps3 processors.


int cell, rsx;
if (CCAPIGetTemperature(&cell,&rsx) == CCAPI_OK)
printf("Cell temperature is %d, Rsx temperature is %d\n",cell,rsx);
//Error handling...


int CCAPIShutdown(ShutdownMode mode)

Use this function to reboot or shutdown the ps3.

Example, reboot the ps3:



int CCAPIRingBuzzer(RingBuzzerType type)

Use this function to emit a buzzer sound.




int CCAPISetConsoleLed(ColorLed color, StatusLed status)

Use this function to modify the main led behaviour and its color.




int CCAPIGetFirmwareInfo(u32* firmware, u32* ccapi, ConsoleType* cType) 

With this function, it is possible to get the ps3 firmware, ccapi version and the console type.


u32 firmware, ccapi;
ConsoleType ctype;
if (CCAPIGetFirmwareInfo(&firmware,&ccapi,&ctype) == CCAPI_OK)
printf("firmware %x, ccapi %d, ctype %d\n",firmware,ccapi,(u32)ctype);


int CCAPIVshNotify(NotifyIcon icon, const char* msg) 

Show an xmb notification with custom icon and custom text.



CCAPIVshNotify(NotifyTrophy1, "Hello from CCAPI");


int CCAPIGetNumberOfConsoles()

This function accesses to the shared application console list and give you the number of registered consoles.



int nbConsoles = CCAPIGetNumberOfConsoles();


void CCAPIGetConsoleInfo(int index, ConsoleName* name, ConsoleIp* ip)

Retrieve a console name and ip from the shared console list.

Adding a console can be done through the windows application "ConsoleManager" available in the CCAPI package. Added console will be available in from all ccapi applications.



int i=0;
ConsoleName name;
ConsoleIp ip;
for (i=0;i<CCAPIGetNumberOfConsoles();i++)
printf("Console name:%s ip:%s\n",name.value,ip.value);


int CCAPIGetDllVersion()

Return the dll version



int dllversion = CCAPIGetDllVersion();
printf("Dll is %d\n",dllversion);



Typedef documentation


typedef original type
u8 unsigned char
u32 unsigned int
u64 unsigned long long int



Enumeration documentation


enum ConsoleIdType
enum ShutdownMode
enum ConsoleType
enum ColorLed
enum StatusLed
enum BuzzerType
enum NotifyIcon


enum ConsoleIdType

Identify whenever the console id is an idps or a psid.

enum ConsoleIdType //:int
   Idps = 0,
   Psid = 1,


enum ShutdownMode

Represent the shutdown action type, shutdown or reboot.

enum ShutdownMode //: int
   ActionShutdown = 1,
   ActionSoftReboot = 2,
   ActionHardReboot = 3,


enum ConsoleType

Repesent the type of the ps3, CEX, DEX or TOOL.

enum ConsoleType //: int
UNK = 0,
   CEX = 1,
   DEX = 2,
   TOOL = 3,


enum ColorLed

Represent a ps3 main led color.

enum ColorLed //: int
LedRed = 0,
LedGreen = 1,


enum StatusLed

Represent a ps3 main led status.

enum StatusLed //: int
LedOff = 0,
LedOn = 1,
LedBlink = 2,


enum BuzzerType

Represent a buzzer sound type.

enum BuzzerType //: int
    BuzzerContinuous = 0,
    BuzzerSingle = 1,
    BuzzerDouble = 2,
    BuzzerTriple = 3,


enum NotifyIcon

Represent a custom xmb notification icon. 

enum NotifyIcon //: int
NotifyInfo = 0,
NotifyCaution = 1,
NotifyFriend = 2,
NotifySlider = 3,
NotifyWrongWay = 4,
NotifyDialog = 5,
NotifyDalogShadow = 6,
NotifyText = 7,
NotifyPointer = 8,
NotifyGrab = 9,
NotifyHand = 10,
NotifyPen = 11,
NotifyFinger = 12,
NotifyArrow = 13,
NotifyArrowRight = 14,
NotifyProgress = 15,
NotifyTrophy1 = 16,
NotifyTrophy2 = 17,
NotifyTrophy3 = 18,
NotifyTrophy4 = 19



Structure documentation


struct ConsoleId
struct ProcessName
struct ConsoleName
struct ConsoleIp


struct ConsoleId

Store a idps/psid as an array of unsigned char.

struct ConsoleId
u8 value[16];

struct ProcessName

Store a process name as a 0-terminated string.

struct ProcessName

char value[512];


struct ConsoleName

Store a console name as a 0-terminated string.

struct ConsoleName
char value[256];


struct ConsoleIp

Store a console ip as a 0-terminated string.

struct ConsoleIp
char value[256];

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09/03/2016 19:36:56
Has anyone been console band from using this??
08/15/2016 00:40:41
ps3 name lrmanners modmenu plz